ELN Package Set View

Description: You can think about it as Enterprise Linux Next. More info https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ELN

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Source Package (SRPM): libxslt Required

Binary RPMs - includes dependency info
Package Name Category aarch64 ppc64le s390x x86_64
libxslt Required AppStream AppStream AppStream AppStream
libxslt-devel Required AppStream AppStream AppStream AppStream

Maintainer Recommendation - Summary

Multiple candidates for the best maintainer:
  • bstinson
  • rhel-sst-cs-databases
See below for more details.

Maintainer Recommendation - Details

Level 0

Includes Required and Dependency.

Maintainer Reason Workload(s)
0.0 bstinson Explicitly required ACG Level 1 Packages for RHEL 9
0.0 rhel-sst-cs-databases Explicitly required Application Streams Container Components
0.1 rhel-sst-cs-databases libxslt-devel (this SRPM) requires libxslt
postgresql-contrib (SRPM: postgresql16) requires libxslt
postgresql-upgrade (SRPM: postgresql16) requires libxslt
PostgreSQL client and server
Application Streams Container Components
0.1 bstinson libxslt-devel (this SRPM) requires libxslt
ACG Level 1 Packages for RHEL 9
0.1 rhel-sst-pt-python-ruby-nodejs python3-lxml (SRPM: python-lxml) requires libxslt
Python parsers
0.1 rhel-sst-virt-tools libosinfo (SRPM: libosinfo) requires libxslt
Virtualization Tools
0.1 rhel-sst-cs-base-utils asciidoc (SRPM: asciidoc) requires libxslt
Text processing packages
0.1 rhel-sst-security-compliance openscap (SRPM: openscap) requires libxslt
OpenSCAP scanner
0.1 rhel-sst-cs-stacks php-xml (SRPM: php) requires libxslt
PHP scripting language
0.1 rhel-sst-high-availability pacemaker-libs-devel (SRPM: pacemaker) requires libxslt-devel
0.2 rhel-sst-high-availability corosync (SRPM: corosync) requires libxslt
libxslt-devel (this SRPM) requires libxslt
pacemaker-cluster-libs (SRPM: pacemaker) requires libxslt
pacemaker-libs (SRPM: pacemaker) requires libxslt
python3-lxml (SRPM: python-lxml) requires libxslt
0.2 rhel-sst-pt-pcp python3-lxml (SRPM: python-lxml) requires libxslt
Performance Co-Pilot and Grafana
Comps group performance for AppStream
0.2 rhel-sst-kernel-rts python3-lxml (SRPM: python-lxml) requires libxslt
realtime perf
0.2 rhel-sst-security-compliance xmlsec1 (SRPM: xmlsec1) requires libxslt
xmlsec1-openssl (SRPM: xmlsec1) requires libxslt
OpenSCAP scanner
0.2 rhel-sst-virtualization-cloud xmlsec1 (SRPM: xmlsec1) requires libxslt
xmlsec1-openssl (SRPM: xmlsec1) requires libxslt
RHEL on 3rd party hypervisors
0.2 rhel-sst-cs-stacks nginx-mod-http-xslt-filter (SRPM: nginx) requires libxslt
HTTP Servers - NGINX
0.2 rhel-ssg-idm opendnssec (SRPM: opendnssec) requires libxslt
FreeIPA Server - Full
0.3 rhel-sst-virt-tools python3-lxml (SRPM: python-lxml) requires libxslt
Virtualization Tools
0.3 rhel-ssg-idm python3-lxml (SRPM: python-lxml) requires libxslt
IdM Web Extensions
FreeIPA Server - minimal
FreeIPA Server - Full
FreeIPA Server - Domain Controller
IdM Client Tools
0.3 rhel-sst-high-availability xmlsec1 (SRPM: xmlsec1) requires libxslt
xmlsec1-openssl (SRPM: xmlsec1) requires libxslt
0.3 rhel-sst-display-productivity libosinfo (SRPM: libosinfo) requires libxslt
0.4 rhel-sst-virtualization python3-lxml (SRPM: python-lxml) requires libxslt
Virtualization on RHEL - KVM Userspace
0.4 rhel-sst-cs-base-utils python3-lxml (SRPM: python-lxml) requires libxslt
Bootstrap environment for Java packages
0.4 rhel-sst-cockpit libosinfo (SRPM: libosinfo) requires libxslt
Web Console (Cockpit)
0.4 rhel-sst-display-window-management libosinfo (SRPM: libosinfo) requires libxslt
GNOME Classic session

Page refreshed at 31 March 2025 12:37 UTC.