Description: You can think about it as Enterprise Linux Next. More info
Package NEVR | aarch64 | ppc64le | s390x | x86_64 |
perl-Test-Pod-Coverage-1.10-30.eln145 | CRB | CRB | CRB | CRB |
Direct build dependencies are packages directly build-required by the following SRPMs.
hivex | Required |
hivex-1.3.24-4.eln146.src |
libguestfs | Required |
libguestfs-1.55.6-1.eln146.src |
perl-Data-UUID | Buildroot level 1 |
perl-Data-UUID-1.227-4.eln145.src |
perl-Devel-Symdump | Buildroot level 1 |
perl-Devel-Symdump-2.18-31.eln145.src |
perl-IPC-Run3 | Buildroot level 1 |
perl-IPC-Run3-0.049-3.eln145.src |
perl-Lexical-SealRequireHints | Buildroot level 2 |
perl-Lexical-SealRequireHints-0.012-9.eln145.src |
perl-Lexical-Var | Buildroot level 2 |
perl-Lexical-Var-0.010-8.eln145.src |
perl-Module-Install-AutoLicense | Buildroot level 2 |
perl-Module-Install-AutoLicense-0.10-24.eln145.src |
perl-Term-Size-Any | Buildroot level 1 |
perl-Term-Size-Any-0.002-44.eln145.src |
perl-Test-CPAN-Meta | Buildroot level 1 |
perl-Test-CPAN-Meta-0.25-38.eln145.src |
perl-Test-CPAN-Meta-JSON | Buildroot level 1 |
perl-Test-CPAN-Meta-JSON-0.16-30.eln145.src |
perl-Test-Differences | Buildroot level 2 |
perl-Test-Differences-0.7100-6.eln145.src |
perl-Test-Output | Buildroot level 1 |
perl-Test-Output-1.03.5-2.eln145.src |
Indirect build dependencies are runtime dependencies in buildroots of the follwing SRPMs. See the runtime dependencies section above for more info.